GreenroomVoice is a proud member of EOCA

EOCA is are a group of businesses in the European outdoor industry who have come together to raise funds to put directly into conservation projects worldwide (except USA and Canada) – to give back to the great outdoors. In 16 years of existence, EOCA has supported 172 projects to the tune of nearly €5 million.

We are very proud and excited to be able to support EOCA, as the conservation of natural habitat and biodiversity is very dear to our hearts.

The whole team at GreenroomVoice is very connected to nature, as we spend every free minute outside in the ocean or in the mountains. We witness the decline of the state of our environment and would do anything to halt that loss, reverse it to help nature regenerate and thrive.

We hope that with our (humble) contribution another step can be taken towards a future worth living by all inhabitants of this gorgeous planet Earth.

Thank you EOCA Team to do all this work for the Outdoor community.