OutDoor by ISPO 2024 – It’s all about solutions

We find ourselves in a unique era of human history, with an abundance of data, knowledge, and perhaps even wisdom, alongside a set of intricate challenges that could jeopardize our very existence on our home planet. Here are 3 ways to get inspired by stories about solutions!

We urgently need a science-based, optimistic narrative that outlines a vision of what is achievable. While new EU rules regulate communication at the brand and product levels, humans have always learned from each other. Storytelling and showcasing good practices have never been more important.

The Empowering Consumers Directive by the European Commission was approved by the EU Parliament this January (1). It aims to safeguard the interests of European consumers and advance sustainable consumption practices. Embedded within a series of legislative measures, it will revolutionize how companies operating in the EU communicate sustainability to consumers. It addresses all broad environmental assertions, encompassing written, oral, and audiovisual claims not covered by sustainability labels, lacking clear and prominent specifications on the same medium. Essentially, the directive urges companies to replace vague sustainability claims, statements like ‘this product is eco-friendly’ with precise, substantiated statements – a transition that European businesses are encouraged to promptly embrace.

Navigating these new regulations for communication is uncharted territory. However, we still need to tell stories, communicate, and lead by example. Media has the opportunity to go beyond mere claims. It is a space for investigation, connecting the dots, and delivering messages based on empirical experience by simply journaling about solutions. These three providers of encouraging stories can help you get inspired.

Whilst recording the podcast, New Horizons also collects video content together with GreenroomVoice to present a documentary on the most forward-thinking outdoor enthusiasts of our era.
Image Credit: Globetrotter Ausrüstung/ GreenroomVoice

New Horizons by Globetrotter – a high-quality B2B podcast on sustainability in the outdoor industry

The New Horizons podcast from Globetrotter Ausrüstung, one of Europe’s largest outdoor retailers, shines a spotlight on thought leaders and visionaries in the outdoor industry who are concerned with sustainability. Based on the latest scientific findings, the podcast addresses the key issues of our time. There is an urgent need for a science-based, optimistic narrative – a vision of what is achievable. In these encounters, host Fabian Nendza explores, for example, design innovation as well as social engagement, the Inner Development Goals, the Economy for the Common Good, circular economy and much more.

BU: “Both good journalism and communication relies on transparency, facts and insights. “, says Gabriel Arthur
Image Credit: Suston

Suston Magazine – Solutions Journalism for Change

The magazine Suston, founded in 2017, is aimed at the international sustainability community. “Solutions journalism is intended to inspire the outdoor industry and drive positive change,” says Gabriel Arthur, editor-in-chief. “In recent years, green-hushing has become more common to avoid green-washing. However, this also carries risks—it could slow the pace of important new steps. Showcasing best practices and exchanging ideas with competitors is very important.” Gabriel Arthur is also the CEO of Suston’s parent company, NORR Agency, which focuses on sustainability communication. “We help pioneering companies communicate their solutions and milestones to build the momentum.”

BU: forum for sustainable economics focusses on solutions.
Image Credit ©forum

forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften – Solutions for a better world

In an era marked by escalating crises and challenges, the imperative for solutions has never been more pressing. forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften illuminates the possibilities already extant across the topics of the circular economy, energy, agriculture, food security, climate resilience, waste management, human rights, mobility, architecture, transportation, communication, artificial intelligence, digitization, and beyond with a steadfast focus on solutions. Embracing a call to action, forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften inspires leaders in business, politics, and civil society to take responsibility. Demonstrative case studies underscore that sustainability is a strategic essential for enduring success.


Cover Image Credit: Dino Reichmuth/Unsplash

1 https://www.ohanapublicaffairs.eu/2024/02/07/eu-empowering-consumers-directive/