Welcome back to the SUSTAINABILITY HUB by GreenroomVoice at OutDoor by ISPO Munich 2023 – 04.– 06. June

We are happy to announce that the registration for the SUSTAINABILITY HUB at OutDoor by ISPO 2023 is open.

The placement will be in the atrium above the Entrance Hall of the MOC (Munich Order Center). It hosts the only stage at OutDoor by ISPO 2023 and is surrounded by workshop rooms and brand showrooms.



Focus topics of the GRV Showcase

Many of us feel the urgent need to step into (climate) action. The exceptionally hot summer last year, with water shortages and elevated wild fire risks all over Europe are a reminder on how fragile the world and how we know it really is.

So, what can we do?

The SUSTAINABILITY HUB will showcase examples and case studies from outdoor brands, suppliers and organizations on traceability and transparency with a focus on circular economy and decarbonization.

These examples of best practice aim to:

…explore the topics of Traceability and Transparency
…showcase climate action and circular economy
…provide substantial information on environmental & social impacts

For more information on our exhibitors, you can follow us on LinkedIn, keep an eye on our journal, and be sure to subscribe to our newsletter.

It's the “design” that champions the revolution

The SUSTAINABILITY HUB is a designated area to educate and inform, to spark interdisciplinary discussions and to create a collaborative working model to foster environmental and social innovation.

We can lose a lot of time and energy trying to convince ourselves and others to consume more eco-friendly, to recycle, to understand that living beyond the planetary boundaries means borrowing from future generations… if this would work, it would have worked a long time ago. BUT changing the way we design materials, products, services, infrastructure, politics, taxes, communication and marketing – THAT has the potential to shift the dynamic from a dead end to a circular flow.

This is why we present solutions in the SUSTAINABILITY HUB that can potentially be part of a respectful and successful future sports and outdoor business and finally serve people and planet: the only valid agenda there is.

Baseline Data for better decision making

When thinking about sustainable development, we need fundamental base line data in order to define effective action. Creating this data needs tools and a willingness to trace right back to the raw material extraction, with an openness for transparency towards the consumer, who in turn can help steer the course of action with (responsible) buying decisions. It also means to address the design of a product as a fundamental tool for change as proposed by the European Commission “On making sustainable products the norm”.

The EU Commission is publishing a legislative proposal on the 22.03.2023 to provide a general framework for sustainability communication and “green claims” that will be communicated on products to outline their environmental impacts. This will hopefully help consumers make choices that are aligned with larger goals to address the environmental crisis by providing them with comparable and verifiable data.

“In addition to setting requirements on how products should be made, the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) is also a framework to set requirements to provide information on the environmental sustainability of products. Depending on the product concerned, this can include information on energy use, recycled content, presence of substances of concern, durability, reparability, including a reparability score, spare part availability and recyclability.

Digital product passports will be the norm for all products regulated under the ESPR, enabling products to be tagged, identified and linked to data relevant to their circularity and sustainability. Pioneering this approach for environmental sustainability data can also pave the way for wider voluntary data sharing, going beyond the products and requirements regulated under the ESPR. Moreover, product passports may be used for information on other sustainability aspects applicable to the relevant product group pursuant to other Union legislation.”

The existential threat of climate change, the interlinked biodiversity crisis and the multiple impacts of both, including on people, must be addressed as a core economic challenge. This is why many brands start their own concrete action by focusing on climate protection and circular economy.

The daily guided GRV Transparency Tour

Everyday at 11 am we offer a Guided Transparency Tour through the SUSTAINABILITY HUB, where we will present you the gist of the posters of our exhibitors, place their action into a context and help you to get a good overview on the different angles and approaches to Traceability, Transparency, Climate Action and Circular Economy- all of which is closely connected.

If you would like to know, what the exhibitors have been communicating at ISPO 2022, take a look at the last DIGITAL GRV TRANSPARENCY TOUR 

Information and Prices

Application Deadline 31.03.2023

Print Deadline 28.04.2023

Poster: 900€ per running meter, excl. VAT.

Mini Booth (4m2) : 2.700€, excl. VAT

How to register for the Sustainability Hub ?